Trrishman Singh, a grade 12 pupil at Gems Millenium School Sharjah also got his vaccine.
Siddharth Gusani, Trrishman Basoor, Adithya Suresh and Abdul Mohsin, (at back), who are pupils at Gems Millenium School Sharjah and received their first dose of the Sinopharm vaccine. All photos Gems Millenium School Sharjah
Shilpa Shyam, a pupil at Gems Millenium School Sharjah, received her first dose of the Sinopharm vaccine.
Ann Joe Tharakan, another pupil at Gems Millenium School Sharjah, who got the shot.
Ahmik Pawanarkar, Anulome Kishore and Abhimanyu Das (at front) are pupils at Gems Millenium School Sharjah who took the vaccine.
Trrishman Singh, a grade 12 pupil at Gems Millenium School Sharjah also got his vaccine.
Siddharth Gusani, Trrishman Basoor, Adithya Suresh and Abdul Mohsin, (at back), who are pupils at Gems Millenium School Sharjah and received their first dose of the Sinopharm vaccine. All photos Gems Millenium School Sharjah
Shilpa Shyam, a pupil at Gems Millenium School Sharjah, received her first dose of the Sinopharm vaccine.
Ann Joe Tharakan, another pupil at Gems Millenium School Sharjah, who got the shot.
Ahmik Pawanarkar, Anulome Kishore and Abhimanyu Das (at front) are pupils at Gems Millenium School Sharjah who took the vaccine.
Trrishman Singh, a grade 12 pupil at Gems Millenium School Sharjah also got his vaccine.