A dazzling dragon-themed show lit up Burj Khalifa on Saturday to mark Chinese new year. The show started with a flying dragon taking flight from the Great Wall of China. It toured Dubai’s landmarks including the upcoming Dubai Creek Tower before marking a splash at The Dubai Fountain. The dragon then swirled up the tower before releasing a shining pearl from its mouth to the top of Burj Khalifa’s spire – at a height of 828 metres. The Chinese new year show on Burj Khalifa will continue from 8pm to 10pm daily until February 24. Joining the celebration were the Chinese consul-general in Dubai Li Lingbing and senior diplomats. With more than 250,000 Chinese residents in the UAE and thousands of tourists from China arriving to join the celebration, the "light-up" show was a perfect tribute to the cultural and trade ties that the two nations share. Meanwhile, a Chinese new year parade took place at City Walk in Dubai where thousands of people enjoyed dancing and colourful celebrations. __________ <strong>Read more:</strong> <strong><a href="https://www.thenational.ae/world/asia/lunar-new-year-celebrations-around-the-world-in-pictures-1.705133">Lunar New Year celebrations around the world - in pictures</a></strong>