Taliban provincial culture chief Mullah Habibullah Mujahid stands next to part of a blast wall, taken from a former US military base, on display in the Ghazni governor's compound. AFP
Why Afghanistan's concrete jungle of blast walls is falling

The hulking concrete barriers once shielded 'islands of power' for warlords and corrupt politicians. Now they serve as canvases for Taliban propaganda

December 19, 2023, 2:00 PM
A market in Kabul during Eid Al Adha last month. EPA
Tobias Ellwood is right: re-engage with the Taliban

The British MP's phrasing was unfortunate, but the international community's current approach of shouting demands from afar is pointless

July 23, 2023, 2:58 PM
An undated handout image of Matiullah Wesa teaching girls in Afghanistan. Photo: Pen Path
Detaining Matiullah Wesa deals a blow to Afghanistan's future

The Taliban's justifications for the education activist's arrest have been nothing but shameful

April 02, 2023, 11:00 AM
The Taliban has banned university education for females nationwide, as part of a wider assault on girls' education. AFP
Only mass action can save Afghan women's right to university education

A 'temporary' ban on female students will have permanent consequences for the country's well-being and stability

December 21, 2022, 6:38 AM
Afghan girls attend a class in Kandahar, on September 18. The Taliban last year announced the reopening of schools for boys at all levels, while for girls it was limited to primary education. EPA
How does Afghanistan’s impasse over girls' education end?

The international community can still help resolve tension over the issue within the Taliban

October 31, 2022, 2:30 PM
A Taliban fighter stands guard at the site where an explosive-laden vehicle detonated amidst an attack on a Sikh Temple in Kabul, Afghanistan, June 18. Reuters
The Taliban must adjust to the new Afghanistan and we must adjust to the Taliban

The system in Afghanistan is failing and deserves criticism but there is hope

August 12, 2022, 4:00 AM
The UN Security Council voted to extend a suspension on a long-standing travel ban against Taliban leaders. AFP
In its Taliban travel ban vote, the UN missed an opportunity

The world needs to start moving towards a more targeted approach in its Afghan sanctions

June 21, 2022, 2:31 PM
The Taliban’s total control of Afghanistan makes the success of any armed opposition unlikely. Nick Donaldson / The National
Weekend Essay: Afghanistan must learn to change through non-violence

To spare Afghans more suffering, dissidents need to choose an alternative path to reform

March 25, 2022, 6:00 PM
Internally displaced persons receive food aid distributed by German government in Kabul, on December 2. EPA
Unfreeze Afghanistan's assets – the Taliban are here to stay

Aid can't reach people without a functioning government and economy. The international community must realise this

December 17, 2021, 4:00 AM
Afghan students at Mirwais Neeka University in Kandahar, Afghanistan are now segregated by gender, following new laws imposed by the Taliban.  EPA
What the world can do to help Afghan students stay in school

The country's broken economy risks destroying a generation of progress in education

October 01, 2021, 4:00 AM
Taliban fighters patrol Kabul, Afghanistan on August 19, 2021. AP
The Taliban have to learn to govern on the job, as Afghans wait in limbo

From women in politics to national symbols, the movement has much to figure out, writes Obaidullah Baheer

August 21, 2021, 12:01 PM