Haider Husseini
Haider Husseini
Video Journalist

Meet Iraq's 'professor' of homing pigeons
Meet Iraq's 'professor' of homing pigeons

Ammar Adil fell in love with this hobby 13 years ago, and he hasn't stopped since then.

February 04, 2022, 12:18 PM
Iraqi rapper Hussein Khalifa in his neighbourhood in Hay al Jihad, Baghdad. Photo: Haider Husseini
Iraqi rapper Khalifa OG: 'dark comedy is the only way to write about life here'

As his latest song reached 1 million views in 8 days, Hussein reveals his approach to rap

January 14, 2022, 4:38 AM
From Baghdad’s suburbs, Rapper Khalifa OG tackles social issues with irony
From Baghdad’s suburbs, Rapper Khalifa OG tackles social issues with irony

As his latest song reached a million views in 8 days, Hussein, aka Khalifa, developed a new approach to rap in Iraq

January 14, 2022, 4:32 AM
Iraqi MPs ride Tuk-Tuks to the Green Zone in Baghdad
Iraqi MPs ride Tuk-Tuks to the Green Zone in Baghdad

The Imtidad party was formed after the October 2019 protests and is supported by many young people

January 09, 2022, 1:02 PM
Baghdad man races against time to document his city's vanishing heritage
Baghdad man races against time to document his city's vanishing heritage

Mohammed Salih is recording old neighbourhoods in the Iraqi capital that have fallen victim to decades of war and neglect

January 01, 2022, 9:09 AM
Baghdad’s historic street opens after renovation
Baghdad’s historic street opens after renovation

Baghdad’s municipality organised festivities and fireworks as the street opened on Christmas day

December 27, 2021, 6:42 AM
A quiet Christmas in Baghdad as tension rises on the political scene
A quiet Christmas in Baghdad as tension rises on the political scene

Iraq’s political and security turmoil, coupled with economic strains, have cast a shadow on Christmas and New Year celebrations, leaving the country’s dwindling Christian community gloomy and disappointed

December 23, 2021, 3:50 PM
Umm Aboodi's shelter for rescued animals
Umm Aboodi's shelter for rescued animals

After witnessing the animals being subjected to abuse, Iraqi widow Mayssam Dhiaa Dawood decided to take action

December 12, 2021, 10:39 AM
Ancient Gilgamesh tablet returns to Iraq
Ancient Gilgamesh tablet returns to Iraq

A 3,500-year-old clay tablet that bears a portion of the 'Epic of Gilgamesh' and was looted from a museum in 1991 returned to Iraq from the US on Tuesday.

December 07, 2021, 2:10 PM
Tear gas fired to disperse protesters in Sulaimaniya
Tear gas fired to disperse protesters in Sulaimaniya

Thousands of university students took to the streets of Sulaimaniya, in Iraq's semi-autonomous Kurdistan region, for the third day in a row, protesting against grant cuts.

November 24, 2021, 10:49 AM
Thi Qar Archaeologist hopes to revive tourism in southern Iraq
Thi Qar Archaeologist hopes to revive tourism in southern Iraq

The province, about 400 kilometres south of Baghdad, is home to many renowned ancient cities and settlements that developed in southern Mesopotamia between the 4th and 3rd millennium BCE.

November 09, 2021, 7:24 PM
Footage shows damage caused by drone strike on Iraqi PM's home
Footage shows damage caused by drone strike on Iraqi PM's home

Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al Kadhimi escaped unhurt after an explosives-packed drone attacked his Baghdad residence early on Sunday.

November 08, 2021, 8:53 AM
Iraqis celebrate the return of Babylon Festival
Iraqis celebrate the return of Babylon Festival

Iraq's 15th Babylon International Festival features Iraqi, Lebanese and Egyptian musicians and singers.

November 01, 2021, 1:50 PM
Iraq's marshes are drying up
Iraq's marshes are drying up

The effects of climate change is being seen in real time on the banks of Iraq's marshes. As the temperatures rise and the water dries up, cattle are dying and people are struggling to survive.

October 31, 2021, 6:52 AM
Iraq's first independent ballet show
Iraq's first independent ballet show

Maisara Salam and Lezaan Salam are ballet dancers and choreographers who faced many challenges to get their young students' show off the ground.

October 25, 2021, 10:22 PM