A reader praises the iPhone 5, launched by Apple CEO Tim Cook and musician Dave Grohl. Justin Sullivan / Getty Images
A reader praises the iPhone 5, launched by Apple CEO Tim Cook and musician Dave Grohl. Justin Sullivan / Getty Images

Praise for shiny new Apple

I just read Parents are shamed into child car safety (September 20) and I think it is a wonderful thing that this Dubai nursery is doing.

I hope that, by identifying parents who don't secure their children in cars, they will save lives.

I also look forward to the day when it becomes compulsory for all children to be buckled up and there are strict punishments for those who don't obey, including a possible loss of their drivers' licences.

This rule already exists in many countries around the world and has been shown to be effective.

Everybody of the age to have young children grew up in a world where all cars are fitted with seat belts. They are not ignorant about what they are doing.

I once read a statistic that said most accidents occur within four kilometres of home. Sometimes a short trip can lull people into a false sense of security.

Perhaps the Government should offer incentives for people to buy car seats, such as a 50 per cent rebate if a pledge is signed attesting that it will be used every time a child is in the car.

The Government could also require that a booster seat be available in every taxi. These can be easily installed and removed in about a minute, and could be stored in the boot.

In the meantime, congratulations to this Dubai nursery for looking out for our most precious residents.

Lisa Martin, Dubai

Inspiring story of community spirit

I was greatly inspired by Hope from the ashes (September 21).

That so many people, Muslims and non-Muslims alike, would rally to raise funding to replace a mosque burnt down by vandals in the small US community of Joplin is evidence that there is a great amount of good in the world.

While the interfaith activity that has occurred in Joplin since the fire is also encouraging, it is unfortunate that nobody has been arrested for the crime.

Sadly, this suggests that not only are there people willing to set fire to a place of worship and gathering, but that there are also some who are prepared to shield them.

Jane Rogers, Dubai

Making a good case for change

I was born and raised in the UAE, and I believe Reema Al Ahbabi's article Wish you were here ... but what would we talk about? (September 9) tugs at the core of certain social ways.

I live in the US now, and I relate to the article's sentiments. The writer has raised some key points about genuineness, religious and cultural expectations, and how people too often profile or categorise others.

I hope more people will read this article and take it upon themselves to bring about change.

F Lick, US

iPhone's features outweigh one fault

I don't think the Maps feature on the iPhone 5 is such a big disappointment as some people are saying (Apple's new Maps app is not so apt, September 21).

I am sure that, in due course, the Apple team will fix it. At the moment, users can just switch to Google's mobile maps application to address this issue.

Other than that, the iPhone 5 seems to be a fabulous device, with many new features. I would buy one today if I could.

S Premani, Dubai

Junk mail creates nothing but work

We all pay lip service to saving resources, caring for the environment and not littering the streets.

Yet every day my gate is covered with unwanted and unread glossy advertisements from organisations that should know better.

What is the point of this rubbish? Nobody reads it. All it does is provide employment for the street cleaners.

Mark Fisher, Abu Dhabi

New ways needed to voice concerns

I am writing in reference to TV in the dock over anti-Islam movie (September 19).

It is high time that governments in the West rein in those people whose acts of intolerance are perilous to the pluralistic social fabric of Europe, where people believing in different religions are living together in relative harmony.

For their part, Muslims should find different ways to air their grievances to prevent them from being portrayed as mad zealots.

Abdul Latieef, Abu Dhabi

Popular game left off the list

In your story about the Games 12 event in Dubai (Long queues as fans flock to video games show, September 21), you seem to have forgotten the biggest game of all - Halo 4.

Craig Perry, Dubai

Joker: Folie a Deux

Starring: Joaquin Phoenix, Lady Gaga, Brendan Gleeson

Director: Todd Phillips 

Rating: 2/5

Moon Music

Artist: Coldplay

Label: Parlophone/Atlantic

Number of tracks: 10

Rating: 3/5

How to protect yourself when air quality drops

Install an air filter in your home.

Close your windows and turn on the AC.

Shower or bath after being outside.

Wear a face mask.

Stay indoors when conditions are particularly poor.

If driving, turn your engine off when stationary.
