I loved the vegetable market (Organic market shows the capital's growth, November 17). It is in a perfect location and especially good for those of us who hate driving into the city centre for everything. My only suggestion would be to have more prepared-food stalls similar to those in the Ripe Market in Dubai, so that customers could have snacks or breakfast/ lunch as they do their shopping. The space is a little small for that, but perhaps they'll go to a larger location in time. Overall, it's definitely going to be my regular spot for buying produce.
Shannon Soesbe, Abu Dhabi
You have to get there early as the organic food goes quickly. It was good, but my children got bored. However, it was the first week. It may get more interesting in the near future.
Sandi McGuinn, Abu Dhabi
I will always miss Mazaraa shop, which was in Mushrif area near National Bank of Abu Dhabi. Items procured from local farms were sold at the market. They were cheap but of good quality.
Isabelle Le Bon-Poonoosamy, Abu Dhabi
It was too far for me and I think they should open more branches in the city centre so that more people are able to shop.
Nasuha Kitchil, Abu Dhabi
Parents can help children to stay fit and healthy
I agree that parental education and guidance are crucial to curbing obesity among children (Obese children need guidance, November 19).
Many adults have an unhealthy lifestyle, which encourages children to do the same. I have never seen an empty KFC or McDonald’s outlet in the UAE. In fact, it’s surprising that they remain crowded throughout the week. I have never witnessed a similar phenomenon in my country, even though it also has an obesity problem.
I hope people will become more aware in the UAE. That will help reverse this trend.
Cyrus M, Abu Dhabi
Word ‘Islamist’ is a misnomer
Words are powerful, so we must use them judiciously. The word “Islamist” is widely misused by the media while reporting on extremist elements. They should not be called Islamists. Their barbaric acts contradict the code of Islam.
Islam means peace, but this word has long been used by the media in a negative light. Extremists do not represent the Muslim community. So the word should never be associated with extremism.
Zahra Mahmood, Abu Dhabi
UK sentencing is appropriate
The sentencing of Philip Spence is appropriate (Hammer attacker given life sentence, November 18).
Imagine going on holiday with your children expecting to go shopping and have some fun in a safe country – which the UK is, generally – then returning home brain-damaged and traumatised. I can’t think of it.
Felicity Joy, Abu Dhabi
Peace remains only in word
Where is peace (Abbas condemns synagogue murders, November 19)? Both Israelis and Palestinians are religious people and chant "peace" all day long. But I can only see them fighting and blaming each other. They have been doing it for the last half century.
J Smith, Abu Dhabi
Scared to live in a high-rise
I loved the picture gallery of Abu Dhabi's tallest tower (Luxury living in Abu Dhabi's tallest tower, Burj Mohammed Bin Rashid, November 15). But I'd rather have a traditional bungalow any day with a roof terrace. That would make me happy.
I am too scared to live in a high-rise.
Name withheld by request