New Delhi recently woke up to a choking blanket of smog as air quality in the world's most polluted capital city reached hazardous levels. AFP
New Delhi recently woke up to a choking blanket of smog as air quality in the world's most polluted capital city reached hazardous levels. AFP

Groundbreaking action needs to be taken to address climate change

I refer to your article Climate change and rising seas 'could spell disaster' for UAE's coastal cities (October 31). In my opinion, there is nothing we can do at this stage to stop global warming. It's too late for people to migrate on a mass scale around the globe. We should have taken heed of the global warming phenomenon before it got out of hand.

Caroline McCarthy, Dubai

This is shocking and worrying at the same time. Our actions today will adversely affect our future generations unless something significant and groundbreaking is done to address the issues of climate change and global warming.

Fatima Suhail, Sharjah

I'll believe the long-range forecasts when they start becoming far more accurate than they have been so far. For now, they are far too erratic and I assume that is due to global warming.

John Taylor, Dubai

Those in debt have to make sacrifices to get out of difficulties

This is in reference to your article The Debt Panel: 'My husband secretly borrowed Dh100,000 on nine credit cards to invest in India' (October 31). He should simply liquidate his assets. To save costs in the long run, they should consider putting their children in a good boarding school in India for a year, which will cost much less while still getting them a good quality of education. They may also have to consider moving to a shared accommodation.

Jason Dalmeida, Ras Al Khaimah

Kurdistan cannot be compared with other countries

In reference to your article Barzani remains the power in a greatly weakened Kurdistan (October 30), if we keep trying to compare Kurdistan with western democracies, we will never understand the specifics of the situation.

Mary Smith, Dubai

The latest US shooting is the tip of the iceberg

Your article Texas gunman threatened his mother-in-law before rampage was sad to read. The fact that the latest shooting to hit the US happened inside a house of worship was all the more mind-boggling. Despite so many recent gun-related incidents, the Trump administration has still not taken the issue seriously, prompting a series of trigger-happy criminals to wreak havoc across the country. The fact that the US still hasn't acted to mitigate the right to bear arms indicates a sad state of affairs, if you ask me.

Name withheld by request

The news is getting more subjective and selective by the day

Your article Finding news has never been easier but how much of it can we really trust? (November 7) was an interesting read. Gavin Esler offered a thorough analysis of news behaviour. While there is much to celebrate about many aspects of BBC reporting, for instance, news is getting harder and harder to authenticate these days, given an increase in the number of outlets and political considerations. The role of the media in shaping public opinion has become vital. That is why accuracy has become all the more important.

K Ragavan, India
