I refer to your article Saudi anti-corruption settlements reach $107 billion (January 30). I think it is a noble gesture by Mohammed bin Salman, Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince . He showed zero tolerance to corruption. He recognised the need for Saudi Arabia to be more transparent and for public bodies in particular to be held to the highest standards. Bureaucracy should be streamlined and the government should be robust and decisive. It should completely come out of the shadow of the past.
Mohammed Farhad, Sharjah
Children should be taught the true value of money
With reference to your story Parents in the UAE want their children to value money and savings (January 29), parents can start by giving children chores and an allowance that will be withheld if those chores aren't completed properly and on schedule. Also, kids must be taught to t budget their allowance - save some, spend some. All extras should be paid for with their allowance.
Shondale Pagano Galindo, Saudi Arabia
As a long-time resident of the UAE, I have seen lovely expat kids who came over young but then turn into major "expat brats". It might be too late to teach them to value money.
Chika Marie, Abu Dhabi
India should introduce stringent punishments for crimes against women
I refer to your article Eight-month-old girl raped in Delhi (January 30). It was painful to read. This brutal and heinous incident in the Indian capital is unacceptable. The girl's cousin is the alleged culprit and the crime of which he stands accused is worthy of an animal. The rise in India in the recent months of crimes such as these, especially against infants and children, is deeply shocking and profoundly saddening. The government should as a matter of urgent priority legislate to ensure there are stringent penalties for those convicted of these crimes. At the bare minimum, such crimes should carry a life sentence.
K Ragavan, India
The United States is not an innocent victim
In response to your story Trump may release memo that could disrupt Russia probe (January 30), the United States government has a long history of attempting to influence presidential elections in other countries. It has done so as many as 81 times between 1946 and 2000, according to a database amassed by political scientist Dov Levin of Carnegie Mellon University.
Frank Johansen, New York
Send your feedback to letters@thenational.ae