The world must recognise that the primary source of strife in Syria is the regime of Bashar Al Assad. Sasha Mordovets / Getty Images
The world must recognise that the primary source of strife in Syria is the regime of Bashar Al Assad. Sasha Mordovets / Getty Images

A peace settlement in Syria achieved by sidestepping justice cannot last

There can be "no military solution to the conflict in Syria". This is the agreement US president Donald Trump and his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, arrived at on Saturday. On the face of it, their joint statement on the civil war in Syria, now in its seventh year, seems like a welcome acknowledgement of the futility of using military means to bring to an end a conflict saturated with myriad fighting forces. At the same time, however, what looks like consensus between Washington, which has backed forces ranged against the government of Bashar Al Assad, and Moscow, which along with Iran is Mr Al Assad's most strident defender, papers over differences that, if not addressed, will eventually threaten any peace that may emerge in the future.

Mr Al Assad traffics in deception. He has profited by promoting the myth that the choice in Syria is binary: between himself and ISIL. He figured that the world, dreading ISIL, would reluctantly settle for him. That, more or less, is what is happening. This development is at the expense of the genuinely progressive forces that are stacked against Mr Al Assad and that, in the absence of meaningful international support, faces the threat of extinction.


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For a political solution to emerge in Syria, there has to be engagement between the parties. Yet Mr Al Assad refuses to talk to the opposition groups – a major reason why the last round of informal talks, held in Astana in July, failed to yield results, and why the next round of more formal talks, set to take place on November 28, may also fail. As these pages have frequently observed, as the Syrian government has consolidated its position over the war-ravaged country, it has become more, not less, violent.

Syrians who have suffered under Mr Al Assad will find little comfort in the claim contained in the joint US-Russia statement that the Syrian president is committed to "constitutional reform and elections" in accordance with United Nations' resolutions. Mr Al Assad's ambition is not to reform the government to make it fit for Syrians. It is, rather, to make Syria conform to his dictatorial rule. ISIL is more or less finished in Syria and Iraq. A quest for a political settlement going forward would result in failure and generate another conflict if it did not recognise the primary cause of strife in Syria: the current regime. It is imperative, therefore, to ensure that Mr Al Assad is not permitted to regard the push for dialogue as a cover for his continued rule. The UN has catalogued the crimes committed by Damascus against its own people. These must not be allowed to fall by the wayside. Peace achieved by sidestepping justice cannot last.

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Youngest debutant for Barcelona: 15 years and 290 days v Real Betis
Youngest La Liga starter in the 21st century: 16 years and 38 days v Cadiz
Youngest player to register an assist in La Liga in the 21st century: 16 years and 45 days v Villarreal
Youngest debutant for Spain: 16 years and 57 days v Georgia
Youngest goalscorer for Spain: 16 years and 57 days
Youngest player to score in a Euro qualifier: 16 years and 57 days

First-round leaderbaord

-5 C Conners (Can)

-3 B Koepka (US), K Bradley (US), V Hovland (Nor), A Wise (US), S Horsfield (Eng), C Davis (Aus);

-2 C Morikawa (US), M Laird (Sco), C Tringale (US)

Selected others: -1 P Casey (Eng), R Fowler (US), T Hatton (Eng)

Level B DeChambeau (US), J Rose (Eng) 

+1 L Westwood (Eng), J Spieth (US)

+3 R McIlroy (NI)

+4 D Johnson (US)

The five types of long-term residential visas

Obed Suhail of ServiceMarket, an online home services marketplace, outlines the five types of long-term residential visas:


A 10-year residency visa can be obtained by investors who invest Dh10 million, out of which 60 per cent should not be in real estate. It can be a public investment through a deposit or in a business. Those who invest Dh5 million or more in property are eligible for a five-year residency visa. The invested amount should be completely owned by the investors, not loaned, and retained for at least three years.


A five-year multiple entry visa is available to entrepreneurs with a previous project worth Dh0.5m or those with the approval of an accredited business incubator in the UAE.  


Expats with specialised talents, including doctors, specialists, scientists, inventors, and creative individuals working in the field of culture and art are eligible for a 10-year visa, given that they have a valid employment contract in one of these fields in the country.

Outstanding students:

A five-year visa will be granted to outstanding students who have a grade of 95 per cent or higher in a secondary school, or those who graduate with a GPA of 3.75 from a university. 


Expats who are at least 55 years old can obtain a five-year retirement visa if they invest Dh2m in property, have savings of Dh1m or more, or have a monthly income of at least Dh20,000.