(FILES) In this file photo taken on August 17, 2020 An aerial view taken in Mauritius shows the MV Wakashio bulk carrier, belonging to a Japanese company but Panamanian-flagged, that had run aground and broke into two parts near Blue Bay Marine Park. On July 25, 2020, a cargo ship loaded with thousands of tonnes of fuel ran aground off Mauritius, beginning the worst environmental disaster ever witnessed in the tiny Indian Ocean archipelago.
Two months later, Mauritius is still taking stock of the damage after its rich fishing grounds and sensitive marine habitats were befouled with oil, and public anger simmers over the government's handling of the crisis. / AFP / -
On July 25, 2020, a cargo ship loaded with thousands of tonnes of fuel ran aground off Mauritius, beginning the worst environmental disaster ever witnessed in the tiny Indian Ocean archipelago. Two moShow more

How to keep the UAE's coastal waters looking pristine