A statue of a woman made out of glass and rubble that resulted from the Beirut port mega explosion August 04, is placed opposite to the site of the blast in the Lebanese capital's harbour to mark the one year anniversary of the beginning of the anti-government protest movement across the country on October 20, 2020. Hundreds marched in Beirut on the weekend to mark the first anniversary of a non-sectarian protest movement that has rocked the political elite but has yet to achieve its goal of sweeping reform. A whirlwind of hope and despair has gripped the country in the year since protests began, as an economic crisis and a devastating port explosion two months ago pushed Lebanon deeper into decay.
A statue of a woman made out of glass and rubble that resulted from the Beirut port mega explosion August 4, is placed opposite to the site of the blast. AFP

Eight steps to pull the Lebanese economy back from the brink