It was a meeting of Hollywood and Bollywood in Mumbai this weekend, as Katy Perry mingled with some of Indian cinema's most renowned names. The <em>California Gurls</em> singer attended a party at director and producer Karan Johar's house on Friday night, ahead of her debut performance in the Indian city. Perry, 35, chatted with the likes of Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Alia Bhatt, Malaika Arora and Natasha Poonawalla at the star-studded bash, before headlining the OnePlus Music Festival on Saturday evening. <strong>Scroll down to see some snaps of Perry at Karan Johar's party:</strong> Perry also shared a photo from the evening on her Instagram Stories, as she posed with <em>Student of the Year</em> filmmaker Johar. "Thank you for the warm welcome," the singer wrote. The star, who is engaged to actor Orlando Bloom, later shared a selfie with British singer Dua Lipa as the two were backstage at the OnePlus Music Festival. "KaDua or KaLipa?" Perry asked her fans. "OK but seriously such a fab night in Mumbai. Thanks to all that braved the traffic and this heat, you are the real ones." The <em>Dark Horse</em> songstress, who touched down in India a few days before her performance, attended another event earlier in the week, where she met Prince Charles. Perry visited a meeting for The British Asian Trust, a charity set up by the Prince of Wales in 2007 that aims to address poverty and hardship in South Asia through a series of programmes focusing on everything from education to mental health. "Musician Katy Perry had heard about the work of the Trust and joined other supporters to learn more about the charity," Clarence House, the office of Prince Charles, wrote on Instagram alongside an image of the two. The American singer shared the same photograph with her 86 million Instagram followers, wishing Prince Charles a happy birthday as the royal turned 71 on November 14. "Happiest 71st His Royal Highness Prince Charles! It was a pleasure spending a little time with you and many brilliant Indian minds looking for incredible solutions to making India a more wonderful place through your organisation," she wrote. "I’m so glad some of the focus is on sustainability and solutions to protecting the environment."