Creator of @hijarbie (Barbie in a hijab) causes Instagram sensation

Medical scientist and fashion enthusiast Nigerian Haneefah Adam is creating a sensation online with her @hijarbie Instagram account.

The 24-year-old is posting pictures of cool and conservative outfits she has hand-sewn and tailored to fit a Barbie doll.

"I want to inspire the Muslim girl. It's about having a doll that looks like her, that represents her own cultural and religious background," Adam told "At the end of the day, it will create a sense of value and will be inspiring them to be more confident, more driven, to believe more in themselves which leads to an appreciation of herself and her modest lifestyle and upbringing," she added.

Adam’s creative clothes have earned her more than 29,000 Instagram followers and recent posts have seen her Hijarbie model wearing a mustard peplum top with a greige hijab and voluminous blue skirt.

“Hijab means modesty to me and it’s my unique identity.” she says “It’s my crown and it represents my own personal control over the way I want to be seen. Not leaving out the fact that it’s a religious induction.”

On the topic of whether little ladies will eventually be able to own and dress their own Hijarbi, Adam is optimistic:

“It’s being seriously worked on now.” she says “So they will be available for sale soon.”

Follow Hijarbie on Instagram here.