epa06448738 Palestinian refugees youths play near the beach next al Shateaa refugee camp west northern Gaza on, 17 January 2018. Media report that the US President Donald J. Trump had vowed to freeze about 125 million US dollar of aid for the United Nation Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) for Palestinian Refugees. The US ambassador to the United Nation (UN) Nikki Haley was quoted as saying that Trump did not want to add or stop funding until the Palestinians agree to return to the negotiation table. Following the 1948 Arab-Israel conflict, UNRWA was established by the United Nation General Assembly Resoluation 302 (IV) in 1949 to carry out direct relief and works programs for Palestinian refugees from May 1950 on. until today, some five million Palestinian refugees are eligible for their services, UNRWA says on their website.  EPA/MOHAMMED SABER
Between 2020 and 2040, some 127 million young people will enter the labour force in the Middle East and North Africa. EPA

Five ways to reverse decades of youth unemployment in the Middle East