Reversal of taxi rule shows Dubai's strength
I am writing about Ban on sharing a taxi is reversed (August 1).
This is what I love about Dubai's authorities: they are not afraid to reverse something that is wrong.
Now, if only can they sort out why there are no cabs on the street at shift change.
I'd also like to see someone address the problem with drivers who refuse to pick you up until they know where your going.
Alan Godfrey, Dubai
The new arrangement is fair, so long as it is left to the passengers to work out a method of sharing the fare.
Name withheld by request
Two sides to the coffee equation
This letter refers to the editorial A jolt of happiness (August 1), about the results of a study on the consumption of coffee recently published by the Harvard School of Public Health.
It claims that those who drink more than two cups of coffee per day are less likely to commit suicide.
As rightly noted in your editorial, one should not be surprised if another study contradicts this contention. There is plenty of other research out there that doesn't look quite so kindly upon coffee drinkers.
Recently, the New Yorker published an article arguing that while coffee may heighten focus, it also puts a squeeze on creativity.
Then, of course, there are coffee's well-known negative effects, such as insomnia and disturbed sleep cycles.
This kind of thing happens all the time, especially when research is sponsored by the manufacturers of products as a part of a marketing strategy to boost sagging sales.
I think it is better to stick to the adage that any excess is bad.
CS Pathak, Dubai
A lesson in how US law works
HSBC and Standard Charter find cleaning up their acts expensive (July 28) was a timely and relevant article about the repercussions of failing to abide by extraterritorial US laws.
I encourage people to look closely at the multi-billion-dollar industry that compliance has become for the US, in particular. It is a big revenue generator for various government agencies, including the treasury department.
Given America's continued stale economic indicators, I guess they have to make money somehow.
Name withheld by request
Informative story on a difficult issue
I refer to Asmaa Al Hameli's blog post A personal experience with polygamy (July 29).
It was a well-written and balanced article that explains the reasoning behind a controversial and heavily debated issue.
A Abubakar, Dubai
How many new states for India?
I am writing in reference to Telangana defies the protests to be 29th state (July 31).
After a long struggle and lots of perseverance, the Indian government has sanctioned Telangana as a separate state. This is a dramatic development in Indian politics.
Despite mixed opinions from other political parties, the decision was taken by the ruling Congress party's high command.
It is likely that people in other areas will now start raising their voices to achieve statehood.
The question is: will these new states be viable?
K Ragavan, India
Dress codes must be fully enforced
I found it interesting that the picture accompanying Hotel warns guests on Ramadan dress code (August 1) had no less than three men clearly wearing shorts - walking past the sign prohibiting the wearing of shorts.
Rules and dress codes are all fine and well, but they must be enforced.
Name withheld by request
I think they should not just post boards, but enforce decent clothing by not letting people into the premises in the first place.
Some will never learn respect for other people's culture otherwise.
Aziza Al Busaidy, Dubai
People must respect where they are.
C Baron, Abu Dhabi