Amitabh Bachchan and his wife Jaya have begun shooting the Bhojpuri film Ganga Devi, directed by Abhishek Chaddha. The 69-year-old Bachchan said he and his wife are doing the film for free as a show of support to Bollywood's tiny counterpart in the eastern Indian state of Bihar. The movie is being produced by Deepak Sawant, who has been Bachchan's long-time make-up artist. "He has been with me for 35 years and never ever missed a single day. He started with humble beginnings," said Bachchan. "Such individuals who do Bhojpuri films that have limited releases need all the encouragement. I work for him and never charge - it's not a monetary matter for me. His contribution to cinema is greater than any fees." Asked how it was to work alongside his wife, Bachchan quipped: "My behaviour changes. There are lots of restrictions. There's always a sense of discipline - or else, when I go back home, the situation goes out of control." - IANS
Abu Dhabi to host International Emmys judging
For the third consecutive year, the International Academy of Arts & Sciences and Pyramedia, one of the Middle East's leading entertainment companies, will host one of the semi-final judging sessions for the 40th International Emmy Awards in Abu Dhabi during several dates this month. The judging panel, comprises of 12 prominent media figures in the region, will be hosted at the entertainment hub twofour54. "We're delighted to be coming back to Abu Dhabi again," said Jessica Franco, a judging coordinator for the Emmys. "The Academy's interest in holding judging panels in Abu Dhabi is a clear indication of the capital's success in advancing the local media and film industry." The International Emmys ceremony will be held on February in New York.
Barfi selected for Busan film festival
The director Anurag Basu's new film Barfi has been selected for the 17th edition of the Busan International Film Festival. The romantic comedy revolves around a fun-loving deaf-mute boy, played by Ranbir Kapoor, and an autistic girl, played by Priyanka Chopra. The two actors were in Dubai last week to promote the movie, set to premiere in the UAE on September 13. "This is another good news today for the Barfi team and our fans: we got selected! Thank you," Basu posted on Twitter. The Busan festival, considered one of the most significant film events in Asia, will be held from October 4 to 13. - IANS
Madhuri Dixit eyes comeback in Gulab Gang
The actress Madhuri Dixit is making her Bollywood comeback in Gulab Gang, for which the filmmaker Anubhav Sinha puts on the producer's hat for the first time. "The film has something for everyone - there's song and dance, as well as drama and action sequences. I'm excited to start shooting in October," said Dixit. The 45-year-old star was last seen on the big screen in 2007's Aaja Nachle. She took a break from Bollywood to move to the US to marry her long-time partner Shriram Nene. She also revealed she has signed on to another project, Vishal Bhardwaj's Dedh Ishqiya, a sequel to the 2010 comedy thriller. On Gulab Gang's release date, Sinha said: "I'm hoping to premiere the film on March 8, 2013, on International Women's Day, since the movie is all about powerful women in Indian society." - IANS
UAE-based players
Goodlands Riders: Jamshaid Butt, Ali Abid, JD Mahesh, Vibhor Shahi, Faizan Asif, Nadeem Rahim
Rose Hill Warriors: Faraz Sheikh, Ashok Kumar, Thabreez Ali, Janaka Chathuranga, Muzammil Afridi, Ameer Hamza
Starring: Cate Blanchett, Kevin Hart, Jamie Lee Curtis
Director: Eli Roth
Rating: 0/5
Some of Darwish's last words
"They see their tomorrows slipping out of their reach. And though it seems to them that everything outside this reality is heaven, yet they do not want to go to that heaven. They stay, because they are afflicted with hope." - Mahmoud Darwish, to attendees of the Palestine Festival of Literature, 2008
His life in brief: Born in a village near Galilee, he lived in exile for most of his life and started writing poetry after high school. He was arrested several times by Israel for what were deemed to be inciteful poems. Most of his work focused on the love and yearning for his homeland, and he was regarded the Palestinian poet of resistance. Over the course of his life, he published more than 30 poetry collections and books of prose, with his work translated into more than 20 languages. Many of his poems were set to music by Arab composers, most significantly Marcel Khalife. Darwish died on August 9, 2008 after undergoing heart surgery in the United States. He was later buried in Ramallah where a shrine was erected in his honour.
The Year Earth Changed
Directed by:Tom Beard
Narrated by: Sir David Attenborough
Stars: 4
The specs
Engine: 2.7-litre 4-cylinder Turbomax
Power: 310hp
Torque: 583Nm
Transmission: 8-speed automatic
Price: From Dh192,500
On sale: Now
Aldar Properties Abu Dhabi T10
*November 15 to November 24
*Venue: Zayed Cricket Stadium, Abu Dhabi
*Tickets: Start at Dh10, from
*TV: Ten Sports
*Streaming: Jio Live
*2017 winners: Kerala Kings
*2018 winners: Northern Warriors
Need to know
When: October 17 until November 10
Cost: Entry is free but some events require prior registration
Where: Various locations including National Theatre (Abu Dhabi), Abu Dhabi Cultural Center, Zayed University Promenade, Beach Rotana (Abu Dhabi), Vox Cinemas at Yas Mall, Sharjah Youth Center
What: The Korea Festival will feature art exhibitions, a B-boy dance show, a mini K-pop concert, traditional dance and music performances, food tastings, a beauty seminar, and more.
For more information:
Started: April 2017
Founders: Mostafa Kandil, Ahmed Sabbah and Mahmoud Nouh
Based: Cairo, Egypt
Sector: transport
Size: 450 employees
Investment: approximately $80 million
Investors include: Dubai’s Beco Capital, US’s Endeavor Catalyst, China’s MSA, Egypt’s Sawari Ventures, Sweden’s Vostok New Ventures, Property Finder CEO Michael Lahyani
Greatest of All Time
Starring: Vijay, Sneha, Prashanth, Prabhu Deva, Mohan