"You're fired!" That's what Lord Alan Sugar has so far snapped at four contestants taking part in the latest series of the UK's version of <em>The Apprentice</em>. Now in its ninth season, over the course of 12 tasks, 16 ambitious entrepreneurs are being whittled down to just one. The victor stands to win a business partnership with the multimillionaire Sugar and get their hands on a Dh1,383,766 investment fund. In the latest episode, the 12 hopefuls who remain have been getting all fired up in Dubai! BBC's The Apprentice - Series 9, filmed in Dubai Scheduled to be broadcast on Tuesday May 28 at 9pm on BBC One, check out a teaser for the show at <a href="http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p019dfl6#sthash.0q9O23a0.dpuf" target="_blank"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p019dfl6</span></a> The hour-long programme will show candidates receiving a pre-dawn call, informing them that they are jetting off on a business trip to the UAE. Upon arrival, the group are taken to an unnamed Dubai hotel and informed their task is to complete the interior design of its newly-built lobby, on-time and on-budget. <strong>Episode promo: Dubai or not to buy?</strong> As the candidates rush panicky from the Creek’s souks to Dubai Mall in search of tasteful, traditional décor, their ingenuity and cultural knowledge is tested to the max. The trailer amusingly shows the 25-year-old contestant, Luisa Zissman, randomly stopping passers-by to ask where she can source “Frankincense…crystals..[to] smell?” While 26-year-old Jordan Poulton unsuccessfully tries to overcome the language barrier with a foreigner as he explains what he wants to buy. “You know the hood that falcons wear?” he says, much to his fellow-shopper’s bemusement. At which point, 29-year-old Jason Leech attempts to help by making flapping movements with his arms: “Falcon – like an eagle.” he urges “You put a hat on it, so it does not see.. A big bird, you put it on your arm and it flies away?” Other excerpts show the team looking for a traditional Arabian coffee pot only to be dismayed when a miniature, glass-encased ornamental dallah is presented to them in one shop. BBC's The Apprentice: Candidates shop for an Arabic coffee pot The UK show, just like its American cousin featuring tycoon Donald Trump, has a huge following. The Greek-born historian and property entrepreneur Leech seems to be flavour of the month, with fans commenting on his performance in the forthcoming Dubai episode on social media sites from facebook <a href="https://www.facebook.com/BBCApprentice"><strong>https://www.facebook.com/BBCApprentice</strong></a> and Twitter @bbcapprentice to the BBC's homepage <a href="http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b020xrpd"><strong>http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b020xrpd</strong></a> “Lol Jason is brilliant,” commented Tom Small on the channel’s site. “It’s like observing people in a people zoo,” remarked viewer Alec Brooke.