Unknown Mozart work found in French library

PARIS // A library in Nantes, western France has found a previously unknown composition by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, as staff were going through its archives. Ulrich Leisinger, head of research at the International Mozarteum Foundation in Salzburg, Austria, declared today that there is no doubt the single sheet was written by the composer. He described the work as the preliminary draft of a musical composition. The sheet was bequeathed to the library by the well-known autograph collector Aloys Fuchs in the 19th century and was, at the time, catalogued as part of the library's collection. It was later entirely forgotten, essentially becoming lost to scholars for more than a century. "This is absolutely new," Leisinger said. "We have new music here. His handwriting is clearly identifiable." The type of paper on which the composition has been noted, suggests Mozart did not write it before 1787. The composer was interested in church music at that time and was planning to become the choral director of Vienna's principal cathedral. He died in 1791, before he could take up the post. There have been about 10 Mozart finds of such importance over the past 50 years. If sold, the single sheet would likely be worth around $100,000 (Dh335,000). In all, about 100 examples of musical drafts by Mozart are known to exist. Many are notes for works that he went on to complete. This rediscovered sheet, however, is different. "It is a draft for a piece that Mozart did not work out for whatever reason," Leisinger added. "It's a melody sketch so what's missing is the harmony and the instrumentation, but you can make sense out of it." "The tune is complete. One can really get a feeling of what Mozart meant, although we do not know how he would have orchestrated it."
* AP





What is Genes in Space?

Genes in Space is an annual competition first launched by the UAE Space Agency, The National and Boeing in 2015.

It challenges school pupils to design experiments to be conducted in space and it aims to encourage future talent for the UAE’s fledgling space industry. It is the first of its kind in the UAE and, as well as encouraging talent, it also aims to raise interest and awareness among the general population about space exploration.


Ms Davison came to Dubai from Kerala after her marriage in 1996 when she was 21-years-old

Since 2001, Ms Davison has worked at many affordable schools such as Our Own English High School in Sharjah, and The Apple International School and Amled School in Dubai

Favourite Book: The Alchemist

Favourite quote: Failing to prepare is preparing to fail

Favourite place to Travel to: Vienna

Favourite cuisine: Italian food

Favourite Movie : Scent of a Woman



The biog

Age: 30

Position: Senior lab superintendent at Emirates Global Aluminium

Education: Bachelor of science in chemical engineering, post graduate degree in light metal reduction technology

Favourite part of job: The challenge, because it is challenging

Favourite quote: “Be the change you wish to see in the world,” Gandi


50-over match

UAE v Lancashire, starts at 10am

Champion County match

MCC v Surrey, four-day match, starting on Sunday, March 24, play starts at 10am

Both matches are at ICC Academy, Dubai Sports City. Admission is free.