Singer Rihanna and her Saudi-businessman boyfriend Hassan Jameel have reportedly parted ways. According to reports, the couple, both 31, have separated after almost three years together, having first been linked in early 2017. While the notoriously private couple are yet to comment, sources confirmed the split to <em>Us Weekly</em> on Friday. Jameel is the deputy president and vice chairman of family-run business, Abdul Latif Jameel, which owns the exclusive distribution rights to Toyota in Saudi Arabia. The family also owns the Saudi premier football league, and is said to be worth an estimated $1.5 billion (Dh5.5 billion). While Rihanna has rarely commented on her relationship with Jameel, the pair have been pictured together on numerous European trips, and Jameel also supported her at the 2018 Grammy Awards. In a 2019 interview, Rihanna was asked if she was in love, to which she responded “of course”. Rihanna is not the first celebrity Jameel has been linked to, after reportedly dating supermodel Naomi Campbell in 2016.