MUMBAI, INDIA - DECEMBER 10: Fans celebrate, burst crackers and distribute sweets outside Bollywood actor Salman Khan's residence at Bandra after he was acquitted in 2002 hit-and-run case, on December 10, 2015 in Mumbai, India. Salman Khan broke down as the judge pronounced the order acquitting him of all the charges in the 2002 hit-and-run case. On September 28, 2002, the actor���s car allegedly rammed into a shop in suburban Bandra. In the mishap, one person was killed and four others were injured. The court said there was not enough evidence to prove that Khan was drunk or driving his car when it rammed into the pavement in suburban Bandra on September 28, 2002, killing one person and injuring four others. The prosecution later said it will go in appeal. But troubles for Salman are not over completely as there are chances that the prosecution may question the High court���s decision in the Supreme Court. (Photo by Pramod Thakur/Hindustan Times via Getty Images)
When Salman Khan was acquitted in a hit-and-run case in 2015, fans gathered outside the actor’s home in Mumbai to celebrate Getty

Why is Salman Khan, despite all of his bad behaviour, still the king of Bollywood?