The fourth of May is widely known as Star Wars Day around the world, a pun on the infamous Jedi line, "May the force be with you." Fans of the intergalactic franchise in the UAE were ecstatic when they found out that their city would play host to the cast of <em>Star Wars: The Force Awakens, </em>Episode Seven in the franchise. The movie was partly shot in the Liwa desert, the Abu Dhabi dunes were the setting for the planet of Jakku. This year, fans anticipate the last film in the new trilogy, Episode Nine: <em>Rise of the Skywalker. </em> In this gallery, we remember when Star Wars mania hit the UAE, and how the capital had stormtrooper fever on every corner. <strong>_________________</strong> <strong>Read more:</strong> <strong><a href="">‘Endgame’ set to become highest-grossing movie of all time</a></strong> <strong><a href="">Peter Mayhew's death sparks a flurry of Hollywood tributes</a></strong> <strong><a href="">Ramadan 2019: Eight new films to watch in UAE theatres</a></strong> <strong>_________________</strong>