Egyptian actor, director and producer Ahmad Al Fishawy has been sentenced to one-month in prison by The Khalifa Family Court for failing to pay alimony for his teenage daughter, Lina. The child support is estimated to be about 234,600 Egyptian pounds (Dh52,000). Shaaban Said, the lawyer of Hend Al Hennawy, Al Fishawy's former wife and the mother of Lina, has hinted that by paying the alimony the actor could avoid prison time. In an interview with Egyptian TV program <em>Ana 7awa</em> (<em>I am Eve</em>), Said stressed that his client is not trying to ruin the actor's reputation or make him face time in prison. According to the <em>Egypt Independent</em>, if Al Fishawy pays the required sum, they will "turn down all prior 16 lawsuits issued against Al Fishawy on behalf of [Al Hennawy]". The <em>Sheikh Jackson</em> star is the son of Egyptian actor <a href="">Farouk Al Fishawy</a>, who died in July this year at 67 years old. The lawyer has said that Lina had a close relationship with her grandfather. In March 2017, he posted this image of his daughter, with the caption, "Lina My Beauty Girl". Ahead of the sentencing, Al Fishawy returned to Egypt on an Emirates flight with wife, Nadia Al Fishawy, documenting the journey on Instagram. "On my way back to Egypt and I promise to work ten times harder to preserve my father’s legacy," he wrote in the Instagram caption from Emirates' First Class cabin. "Feeling strong and ready with the support of my wifey". On the flight they also bumped into Egyptian actress, Ghada Abdelrazek, whose photo can also be seen on the post. Emirates commented on the photo, writing "Hi Ahmad, having you on board was a great pleasure! We hope you had a good time with us and wish to see you again soon." <strong>_________________</strong> <strong>Read more:</strong> <strong><a href="">Lebanese star Elissa to quit music, likening industry to 'mafia'</a></strong> <strong><a href="">Egyptian comic Hesham Mansour suspended from Twitter over anti-Semitic posts</a></strong> <strong><a href="">Ahdaf Soueif resigns as British Museum trustee over BP funding and artefacts repatriation</a></strong> <strong>_________________</strong>