Another decade is almost over, which means that in Bollywood many stars have risen and others have fallen. But there are many faces that have remained consistently on our screens over the past decade: Shah Rukh Khan and Anil Kapoor of course, as well as Deepika Padukone and Kangana Ranaut. Some of Indian cinema's A-list took sabbaticals over the past 10 years – such as Aishwarya Rai – but that's hardly affected her stardom. In the gallery above, we look at how different, or similar, Bollywood's most famous faces look today, compared to 2009. Ten years ago, 23-year-old Deepika Padukone was just starting to find fame; now, at 33, she's one of the industry's established stars. A decade ago, Sanjay Dutt was 50 – today, at 60, he's seen a lot of controversy and tough times. And then you have Bollywood's Benjamin Button, Anil Kapoor, who looks the same at 62 as he did at 52. <strong>Scroll through the gallery above to see the evolution over a decade of Bollywood's biggest stars. </strong>