Bollywood actress Sonam Kapoor Ahuja has warned fans against taking Ubers in London after having the “scariest experience” in a late night taxi. The award-winning actress, 34, said her driver was behaving unstably, “yelling and shouting” during her trip on Thursday night, leaving her feeling “shaken”. Tweeting her 12.8 million followers, she said, “Hey guys I’ve had the scariest experience with @Uber london. Please please be careful. The best and safest is just to use the local public transportation or cabs. I’m super shaken.” She added that she tried to complain about the incident via the app, but was met with a series of “disconnected replies” from bots, prompting her to urge the ride-sharing app to update its complaints procedure. “The damage is done,” she added. “There is nothing more you can do.” Uber's future in London is <a href="">currently uncertain</a> as the city's mayor Sadiq Khan plans to oust the company over its failure to stop unlicensed and uninsured drivers. Its license in the city has already been taken away, but it continues to operate pending an appeal. A representative for Uber told the <em>MailOnline</em>, "'This is a regrettable and concerning incident. What's been described has no place on the Uber app and we're reviewing the matter."