Colour Matters, a digital study of colour communication. (Courtesy: Tulip Hazbar)
Colour Matters, a digital study of colour communication. (Courtesy: Tulip Hazbar)

Create & Inspire: Tulip Hazbar

This month, as part of the annual Create & Inspire competition, organised by The Crossway Foundation, in partnership with Art Jameel and Qatar Museums, 12 winners from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and the United Kingdom travelled to Brazil for a creative adventure.

The Art Blog is following them on their trip with a series of interviews with the winners. They were all selected for their original and imaginative responses to this year’s competition theme: “The World is not Black & White”.

The last in the series is 24-year-old Tulip Hazbar, an independent designer and illustrator based in Dubai and Sharjah. Originally Syrian, Hazbar was born in Aleppo and raised in the UAE.

Q: How would you describe your style as an artist?

A: Considering the various things I’m interested in and been working with, I can say my style is eclectic. My projects usually stem from things I collect or issues that make me curious. In addition to this, I never limit myself to a specific medium therefore the results are always good experiments.

Q: What is your main source of inspiration?

A: When seeking inspiration, I find myself looking at elements in my surroundings such as social interactions, music and found objects. I try not to limit myself.

Q: What do you hope to gain from the Create & Inspire programme?

A: I came to Brazil hoping to develop my colour research, make stories worth telling, and collect visually interesting material to aid me achieve that. I believe I have achieved these goals through our exposure to Brazil’s art scene, markets, people, nature, et al. Therefore, I have gained a lot from this journey both on a personal level and also on a professional level.

Q: What else have you gained from the trip to Brazil?

A: Being in Brazil and getting introduced to its diverse cultures, unique art scene and breathtaking landscapes is a great opportunity. However, the integral aspect of this experience is sharing it with a group of aspiring artists. As the journey is coming to an end, I’m confident to say that the trip has exceeded my expectations. I’ll be going back home with a great drive and great friendships from Brazil, the UK, Qatar, Saudi and the UAE.

* Follow Tulip on Instagram and Twitter @tuliphazbar