In reference to the article What to expect from Abu Dhabi property market in 2016 (January 8), I think rents will increase further.
Over the past years, Abu Dhabi residents have hardly seen any decline in rents. After the removal of the cap, tenants have been taken for a ride.
Abdul Bari, Abu Dhabi
Abu Dhabi offers a great opportunity for short- and long-term buyers, and end users because it has limited supply of quality apartments, stable prices, investor-friendly laws such as no rent cap and a stable economy.
Even with oil prices falling, the government has enough financial cushion to continue driving the economy through diversification.
Hamza Hassan, Dubai
A pat on the back for Tyrese
I am glad that Tyrese Gibson has spoken out against Donald Trump, who is biased against Muslims (Anti-Muslim Donald Trump makes me furious, says Tyrese Gibson during UAE visit, January 6).
Sohan Dsouza, US
Tyrese feels this way because he has first-hand experience with the Muslim world.
Cherry DF, US
Tyrese’s gesture is nice, although I’m sceptical about how much political influence the singer can exert.
Mohamed Sarfraz, Dubai
We will vote, and be heard. We will not stand by Mr Trump while he brings our county to its knees. We will establish peace and live together in unity. The ignorance must stop.
Andre' Maddox, US
Expatriates are overburdened
The decision to increase water and electricity tariffs for expatriates in the capital is unwise (Utility bills to rise for Abu Dhabi expats who use more than quota, December 21).
Residents are already feeling the heat from rising rents and commodity prices.
This move will only increase their burden.
M A Mannan, Abu Dhabi
Can’t wait any longer for Netflix
To answer your question on Facebook whether anyone would sign up for Netflix (Netflix flicks the switch, January 8), I have already signed up. I would like to see Dexter.
Also Survivor (past seasons) and The Amazing Race. Otherwise the selection is OK, but reasonably limited.
Charles Arnestad, Abu Dhabi
What’s the point if they have removed all the good stuff? I will most probably cancel after the free trial.
Ahmad Sendos, Dubai
I have already signed up and getting ready to drastically downgrade my du television package. OSN is very expensive as well.
I am most likely to keep only the History and National Geographics channels. Or I might just downgrade it all the way down to just free TV.
Mohamad Turk, Dubai
Any competition in the highly overpriced market is fantastic news. I’ve already signed up with Netflix. If I can cancel du, which costs Dh666 a month to get what I want for Dh39 a month, even limited, then why not?
Marisa Engelbrecht, Abu Dhabi
Learn language and have fun
I refer to the article 'Expect the worst while learning a new language (December 28). The trick is to learn to laugh about the "funny" things one says as one is learning.
By learning to laugh at yourself you will unconsciously promote your learning as we all love to have fun. Maybe the author meant this, but by using “worst”, he sets up a dynamic that leads us away from attempting one of the more challenging but immensely satisfying learning experiences in life.
Andrew Weiler, Abu Dhabi