Rural Tunisia angry after some poll results overturned

TUNIS // Violence this week in Tunisia illustrated the economic woes facing the next government, with post-election riots erupting over annulled victories by a party that had promised poor people a free ride - literally.

Soldiers fired warning shots yesterday to disperse crowds attacking police stations in the rural town of Sidi Bouzid, wracked since Thursday by angry protests.

Violence broke out after officials cancelled gains in national assembly elections last Sunday by the Popular Petition party over alleged campaign finance violations.

The party quickly withdrew from the assembly.

The Popular Petition rose by pledging a lavish welfare state against a backdrop of economic malaise. After controversy over the party fades, curing that malaise will remain a key challenge on Tunisia's path to democracy.

The path to free elections began 10 months ago when a poor vegetable seller in Sidi Bouzid, Mohamed Bouazizi, set himself on fire in desperation after years of harassment by local officials.

His gesture sparked protests that overturned the regime of Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, who fled Tunisia in January.

Last Sunday, Tunisians turned out en masse to vote in the country's first free elections.

The national assembly that emerged from the election would form a fresh interim government and draft a new constitution.

The moderate Islamist Ennahda party came in first, capturing 90 of 217 seats. Second place went to the secularist Congress for the Republic (CPR), while the Democratic Forum for Labour and Liberties, known by its Arabic name, Ettakatol, came in third.

But preliminary election results that trickled out district by district also revealed a dark horse.

Results leaked on Monday showed the little-known Popular Petition, led by the wealthy expatriate Hachmi Hamdi, taking up to 90 per cent of votes at some polling centres in Sidi Bouzid.

"He promised free transport, free health care, large investments and money for poor people," said Rachid Fettini, a businessman in Sidi Bouzid. "No one had ever promised things like that before."

Few parties seemed to perceive a threat in Mr Hamdi, who owns a television station and lives in London, where he remained for most of his campaign.

The swift rise of Ennahda after years of persecution by Mr Ben Ali's regime focused political debate on the role of religion in public life. Mr Hamdi, meanwhile, was talking about something else.

Armed with campaign volunteers and his television station, Al Mustakillah, Mr Hamdi promised universal health care, unemployment benefits, free transport for people over age 65 and manufacturing plants in depressed cities neglected by Mr Ben Ali's regime.

To fund the schemes, he proposed taxing the travel industry, large companies and anyone earning more than 100,000 dinars (Dh262,000), he said in an interview with Tunisia Live, a news website.

Final election results on Thursday showed the Popular Petition came fourth, with 19 assembly seats. But the election commission struck down its victories in six districts, including Sidi Bouzid.

Mr Hamdi said on Thursday that the party was leaving the national assembly entirely.

By Thursday night, a mob converged on the local office of the election committee, said Mr Fettini. Finding it guarded by soldiers, protesters instead set fire to the nearby mayor's office and courthouse, Mr Fettini and wire services said.

Protesters also ransacked an Ennahda campaign office, starting a fire inside, and clashed with police who fired tear gas in bids to drive them off, Reuters reported.

Anger had festered all week in Sidi Bouzid at perceived slights against the town by commentators on Tunisian media, including Ennahda activists, for having backed Mr Hamdi, said Mr Fettini, who voted neither for Ennahda nor for the Popular Petition.

"The invalidation of the Popular Petition lists just restarted things," he said. "They're angry at that, and they feel insulted by Ennahda."

After Sunday's elections, Ennahda's leader, Rached Ghannouchi, praised the town as the birthplace of Tunisia's revolution.

"We salute Sidi Bouzid and its sons who launched the spark and we hope God will have made Mohamed Bouazizi a martyr," he said.

Yesterday, shops were closed in Sidi Bouzid and much of the town was on strike, according to Mr Fettini. Stone-throwing protesters clashed with police and helicopters circled overhead.

In Tunis, Ennahda and other parties who scored high on Sunday have begun talks on forming a government. Ennahda has said it wants a liberal business environment and a convertible currency to speed economic growth.

In Sidi Bouzid yesterday, Mr Fettini described a bleaker vista.

"There are tyres burning in Mohamed Bouazizi square," Mr Fettini said. "The whole place has been sacked. The crowd is yelling 'Bread and water and no Ennahda'."

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Coffee: black death or elixir of life?

It is among the greatest health debates of our time; splashed across newspapers with contradicting headlines - is coffee good for you or not?

Depending on what you read, it is either a cancer-causing, sleep-depriving, stomach ulcer-inducing black death or the secret to long life, cutting the chance of stroke, diabetes and cancer.

The latest research - a study of 8,412 people across the UK who each underwent an MRI heart scan - is intended to put to bed (caffeine allowing) conflicting reports of the pros and cons of consumption.

The study, funded by the British Heart Foundation, contradicted previous findings that it stiffens arteries, putting pressure on the heart and increasing the likelihood of a heart attack or stroke, leading to warnings to cut down.

Numerous studies have recognised the benefits of coffee in cutting oral and esophageal cancer, the risk of a stroke and cirrhosis of the liver. 

The benefits are often linked to biologically active compounds including caffeine, flavonoids, lignans, and other polyphenols, which benefit the body. These and othetr coffee compounds regulate genes involved in DNA repair, have anti-inflammatory properties and are associated with lower risk of insulin resistance, which is linked to type-2 diabetes.

But as doctors warn, too much of anything is inadvisable. The British Heart Foundation found the heaviest coffee drinkers in the study were most likely to be men who smoked and drank alcohol regularly.

Excessive amounts of coffee also unsettle the stomach causing or contributing to stomach ulcers. It also stains the teeth over time, hampers absorption of minerals and vitamins like zinc and iron.

It also raises blood pressure, which is largely problematic for people with existing conditions.

So the heaviest drinkers of the black stuff - some in the study had up to 25 cups per day - may want to rein it in.

Rory Reynolds