A reader says that women such as Niloofar Rahmani are Afghanistan’s hope. Shah Marai / AFP
A reader says that women such as Niloofar Rahmani are Afghanistan’s hope. Shah Marai / AFP

Female pilot a symbol of hope

I am pleased to read about Capt Niloofar Rahmani. I salute her, her commander and colleagues (Afghanistan’s first female pilot flies above the Taliban’s threat, April 30). These people are Afghanistan’s hope and that of the world.

J Smith, Abu Dhabi

Europe unable to bear burden of immigrants

I refer to the comments on Europe not wanting immigrants (Don't just look to Europe for help, April 30). It isn't a case of Europeans not wanting them, they simply can't take any more of them.

I appreciate the comment that people come to the UAE and surrounding countries to improve their quality of life and that there are the opportunities to do so here. I also welcome the statement that workers are welcomed here to help develop certain sectors.

But Europe simply doesn’t have the resources to look after everyone who wants to migrate to that part of the world. Countries such as the UK and France are virtually at bursting point – they are overpopulated and have high levels of unemployment.

Desmond Maybury, Dubai

Elephants never forget

I was pleased to read your story More than 10 tonnes of illegal ivory destroyed in Dubai (April 30). The authorities deserve credit for cracking down on the ivory trade. I was surprised, though, to note the claim that "the UAE is the first country in the Middle East and North Africa to destroy its stockpile of illegal ivory, following in the footsteps of the United States, China, UK, France, Ethiopia and Kenya, which have all burnt and crushed seized ivory".

In January 1992, Dubai Municipality burnt what was said to be “a little over 12 tonnes of elephant ivory” at a ceremony observed by municipal officials and diplomats. It was widely reported in the local media. One would have thought that the municipality, which was also involved in this week’s event, might have remembered that they had done it before.

Peter Hellyer, Abu Dhabi

Too expensive? Just don’t buy it

I refer to your Facebook posting How can airport shops charge so much more? (April 23).

Technically, once through customs, you are offshore so some laws may not apply. Anyway, you have a choice – buy or don’t buy. If I feel anything is overpriced to the extent of a rip-off, I just don’t buy.

Dave Pryce, Dubai

Robbie Williams was at his best

Robbie Williams gave an outstanding performance (A pastiche of pop, April 27). I've seen many concerts and Robbie was up there with the best in terms of showmanship. He engaged the audience, which simply adored him. He was better than Madonna, outshone Rihanna and I don't care how many covers he did, he won them all. Good luck to him.

Lesley Cully, Abu Dhabi

Robbie was fantastic. We loved the way he entertained the crowd. It was great that his father joined him on stage. Truly amazing.

Kerry Smith, Abu Dhabi

He was amazing, entertaining, down to earth and he kept the crowd rocking. He came on at a decent hour and proved that he cared about his fans.

He admits that he is not the best singer but that he can entertain. I would see him a million times more. His show was much better than that of Madonna.

Elaine D'Arcy, Abu Dhabi

Your review did not do Robbie Williams justice. His performance was fun and full of crowd-pleasing Robbie classics. I understand that he’s a bit eccentric, but most superstars are and he is as good now as he ever was.

He had the crowd in stitches in between songs, proving that he’s an all-round entertainer.

Lisa Marie, Abu Dhabi

Robbie Williams was just what we were expecting – and much more. His tribute to Queen was fantastic, as was everything else that he rendered.

Daniela Donofrio, Abu Dhabi