Another week, another pound

One week of Haddins Advanced Primal Transformation down, and it was the weekend. Instead of having a lie-in and spending time with friends I found myself waking up between 5 and 7am on my own, unable to go back to sleep- a good sign that my body clock was finally adjusting.

However it wasn't looking good for my social life, when nights out came to a grinding halt at 10pm and all I wanted was my bed.

By the time it was Sunday I was up at 5am no problem! Something I never thought I'd say- ever.

Sam, our trainer for the week, took us through circuits- from walking with weights (as a farmer would carrying his produce) to dragging a lorry tyre (a caveman dragging his dinner home) and running up three flights of stairs across the tennis stadium then back down (escaping from a predator).

On Monday we worked our upper and lower bodies through a variety of exercises scattered throughout the audience section of the tennis stadium.

By Tuesday we were circuit pros and as Wednesday and Thursday came along we began enjoying the chaotic nature of the workout even more.

Two weeks along and I'm a total of 3 kg lighter, and I've already noticed obvious changes to my physique as well as those of a lot of my fellow "primates".
