UAE is a role model for the rest of the world

Our readers have their say about the new Emirates laws, vaccine development and a man who sacrificed his life for others

I write in reference to the National Editorial A National Day to remember (December 2): it was heartening to read about the Government's recent announcement to introduce reforms to the Commercial Companies' law and expand its 10-year golden visa programme. They will no doubt have come as good news to existing companies, as well as to the many investors looking to enter the UAE market.

These changes, along with a host of others in recent times, speak to the long-term vision of the UAE's leaders, as the country navigates choppy waters in a time of the Covid-19 pandemic. Over the years, the government has enacted important reforms but the recent changes are going to be far-reaching.

As someone who once lived in the UAE, I firmly believe that this country gives you everything that is most needed for a good life. I am also of the conviction that it is a country fit to be a role model for others around the world.

I wish everyone a Happy National Day.

K Ragavan, Bengaluru

A hat-tip to the scientific community

I write in reference to Brodie Owen's article UK wins race to approve Pfizer vaccine with immunisations to start next week (December 2): it is laudable that scientists around the world have been able to present encouraging results regarding coronavirus vaccines in such a short period of time. Let's not forget that Covid-19 surfaced just last November before its began its ravenous spread 10 months ago.

It usually takes years, perhaps even decades, to develop vaccines and release them into the market. But companies such as Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Sinopharm are already deploying the Covid-19 vaccines for public use. Other pharmaceutical companies are not far behind.

Of course, these vaccines need to have their desired result for the world to truly rid the scourge of Covid-19. Whether this happens or not, it has to be said that the international scientific community has rendered great humanitarian service. Along with the pharma companies, they deserve a standing ovation from the rest of us.

I hope that one day we will be able to say of the scientists what former British prime minister Winston Churchill said of his pilots during the Second World War: "Never in the history of mankind has so much been owed by so many to so few."

Rajendra Aneja, Dubai

Let’s all take a moment to appreciate the great British institution called the NHS, where human life comes before profits. NHS provides free medical care for all no matter what the cost. One thing the UK has done right is to determine that health care is a basic human right – and not based on how much money or what insurance policy one has.

Tanya Milbourne

A salute to Dr Khan

I write in reference to Sarwat Nasir's article Pakistani doctor who treated UAE's blue collar workers 'left this world a hero' (December 1): A big salute to Dr Muhammad Usman Khan – may your soul rest in peace. The UAE will not abandon you or your children, Mrs Khan.

Elizabeth Fernandez

Updated: December 02, 2020, 1:07 PM