Prayers for the Thai boys as the rescue mission continues

Our readers have their say on Thailand, reckless driving and Mick Jagger

I refer to your balanced editorial, Global support for Thai boys is inspiring (July 7). The National has rightly highlighted all the risks involved and lauded the efforts of various countries to work together to rescue the children and their coach. Considering the rains, the floods, the age and the weakness of the children, and the rough and narrow tunnels, the rescue mission is indeed tough. Yet we cannot give up.

It is said that “God helps those who help themselves”. So it is encouraging that the Thai rescue authorities have commenced the journey and rescued four children on the first day. The eyes of the world are on Thailand and the divers who are making this arduous, herculean endeavour. This rescue mission is a crucial event, more important than any World Cup match.

This is humanity’s test. In Brazil, when you commence a journey, well-wishers say “vai com Deus”, meaning “May the Gods be with you”. Let us all pray steadfastly for the success of the rescuers and the lives of the children and their coach.

Rajendra Aneja, Dubai

The National’s editorial echoed a feeling that is widely held by people across the world. We are all praying for the safe return of the Thai boys, and this moment of unity is indeed really an inspiring one. Despite the international community’s support and the participation of experts and divers from various nations, Thai authorities are concerned about the heavy rains.

The boys, however, are confident. That one of them has celebrated his birthday inside the cave shows the spirit and confidence of the football team. They are admirable. The prayers of the world can’t go unanswered. I too am confident of their safe return.

K Ragavan, Denver

We need greater awareness to avert road tragedies  

In reference to your online story Watch: Police send out safety warning after reckless driver causes three-car road smash (July 8), the driver of the Range Rover in this video should be interviewed, with face blurred, after being made to watch it. And then we can get an insight into what was going on in his mind. Was it ignorance, stupidity, recklessness or childish pride that made him behave in this way? In his own words, he should tell everybody the horrible outcome of driving the way he did.

Marv Baguyo, Dubai

The driver responsible for this had his hazard lights on, which is odd. For me, the problem is that people think driving this way is cool and have a sense that they are the only ones on the road.

Logan DelaFish, Dubai

Mick Jagger is an odd choice for political sloganeering

I refer to your article Jagger reacts to Walesa appeal over Poland judicial row (July 9): it seems a little weird to ask Jagger to take political stances. They should wait for Bob Geldof or Bono, neither of whom can resist a political soap box moment.

Anne McAdam, Abu Dhabi

Updated: July 09, 2018, 3:28 PM