It's good to get a glimpse in to the future of flying

Our readers have their say on zero-emission aircraft, tools to ward off pandemic anxiety, and an example of leadership

With regard to Deena Kamel's report Airbus unveils three designs for zero-emission aircraft (September 21): an aircraft that only emits water vapour has to be way forward. Everything has to start somewhere and this seems like a good place to start.a

Derek Gliddon, Abu Dhabi

Tools of the modern world can help us ward off pandemic anxiety

With reference to Justin Thomas's op-ed In times of Covid-19, embrace your anxiety (September 20): to call the pandemic stressful would be an understatement. It is not unusual for people to feel overwhelmed or to be dealing with unexplained outbursts of emotions.

Human beings are social creatures. And because of the reduced social contact, Covid-19 has caused alienation. It is not unusual for people to be coping with many different fears and anxieties in various ways.

Job losses and a resultant lack of financial stability has also been a cause of stress. In many unfortunate cases, the loss of loved ones has added to the low period that so many people are going through. These stresses affect people differently, more so when there are restrictions on travel and it is not easy to be with family or friends in different cities or countries.

Despite these difficulties, we must realise we are not alone. Various therapies and online platforms allow us to connect with people who can help. Times may be tough but the modern world has equipped us with the means to stay close and connected.

Ashiqa Jose, Dubai

No surprise if tail end of summer causes more fog

With reference to Gillian Duncan's report UAE explained: How and why does fog form in a desert? (September 23): I spent many years studying this strange phenomenon. As the weather pattern begins to shift and we see the temperatures beginning to drop with the transition between summer to winter in the UAE, human activity in the morning directly affects the air and causes this fog – that, as the article mentions, the sun usually burns it off by 9am.

Richard Weinberg, Dubai

UAE's health minster has demonstrated leadership

With reference to Nick Webster's report Coronavirus: UAE health minister takes country's first dose of Covid-19 vaccine (September 19): compliments to the UAE for commencing Covid-19 vaccinations. Everyone is waiting for the vaccine to be discovered and finalised. It was brave of the UAE's health minister Abdulrahman Al Owais to take the first jab. He has shown leadership. Congratulations, sir.

Rajendra Aneja, Dubai

Updated: September 23, 2020, 11:49 AM