After Cambridge Analytica, can we ever trust social media again?

Readers discuss Facebook, Yemen, Myanmar and the zoo in Mosul

I refer to your article Whistleblower Christopher Wylie reveals Cambridge Analytica's dark arts (March 21). Today, protection of personal data for users of social media sites has become a herculean task.

The revelations concerning Cambridge Analytica’s alleged harvesting of the data of millions of Facebook users, which may have played a role in the election of Donald Trump to the US presidency in 2016, are deeply troubling. They are certainly not a mark of a healthy society.

Breaching the confidence of social media users is unacceptable and many are understandably withdrawing from Facebook. Mark Zuckerberg, made an apology and promised data breaches would not occur in the future. How much of a difference will Mr Zuckerberg’s apology make? After the Cambridge Analytica revelations, everyone will think twice before signing up to any social media platform. Privacy simply cannot be compromised.

K Ragavan, Bangalore

Iran is the obstacle to peace in Yemen

I refer to your story US backs Saudi efforts to end war in Yemen, Mattis tells crown prince (March 22). The war in Yemen could end with the complete defeat of the Houthis. Iran, however, will try to prevent this happening. It will keep supplying more arms and resources. No nation likes to lose face, but Tehran should concentrate on working out a diplomatic solution. The US should help enable this process.

Rajendra Aneja, Dubai

The Rohingya stand on the brink of genocide

As long as there remains little political will within Myanmar to avert the bloodshed in Rakhine State, the situation of the Rohingya will continue to deteriorate despite widespread international outcry and growing calls for action.

The recent spike in violence is indicative of a renewed campaign to remove the Muslim minority group from Myanmar – at the very least by spreading fear and forcing thousands to risk their lives and flee across borders or the open seas.

Until institutionalised and widespread discrimination against the Rohingya – sustained across decades – is meaningfully challenged within Myanmar itself, violence will continue to be legitimised, and the Rohingya will always stand, as it were, on the brink of genocide.

Samaoen Osman, Cape Town

Zoos are prisons and should be closed down

With reference to your article With ISIL driven out, Mosul zoo reopens (March 22), of all things that need fixing in Mosul I suspect this prison is something they could do without. In fact, zoos anywhere these days need closing down for good.

Anne McAdam, Abu Dhabi

I am sorry, but I am not very concerned for the animals when there are so many human beings who deserve a lot more help.

Name withheld by request

Updated: March 24, 2018, 9:30 AM