Tried and tested: Rehydrate and rejuvenate

Pampering and beauty treatments at the Kaya Skin Clinic.

WHAT I TRIED The Aqua Radiance Facial at the Kaya Skin Clinic.

WHAT I EXPECTED I know the Kaya Clinic quite well, so was expecting the usual formula of what I call "practical pampering" whereby you have a rather more medicinal treatment than you would have at a five-star hotel. Its treatments often feel like they are doing more good, even if they're not so easy to snooze through.

WHAT HAPPENED I am not going to go into the dreary details of my drive to Abu Dhabi Mall since we all know that, whatever anyone says, it is still an utter pain to get to.

I arrived and as it is Ramadan the mall was deserted (either that or the shoppers were all still stuck in traffic). Once I was installed on my treatment bed the therapist talked me through the process: cleansing, a massage, then water and oxygen, then extraction and finally a mask. So you get exfoliation, hydration, nourishment and lymphatic drainage.

The massage was done with an aloe vera gel, which was utterly lovely: cool, refreshing and really enjoyable. Just what my parched face needed. The water and oxygen and vitamin bits are administered through a jet stream. This means they penetrate the skin much more effectively than other methods, while removing layers of dead cells. The extraction bit (squeezing of blackheads to you and me) was painful (as I said, practical, not pampering), but my skin was really clear afterwards so it was worth every flinch.

THE VERDICT This treatment is ideal for Ramadan, because if you're fasting it rehydrates and nourishes the skin. Added to which the water is freezing cold, so beautifully refreshing. The whole package makes complete sense; from the massage (lymphatic drainage) to the sprays and finally the mask, which dries on and is peeled off in one go, taking any nasty bits of dead skin that might be left with it. A great cleansing, nourishing and rejuvenating package. I highly recommend it.

Aqua Radiance Facial costs Dh650 and is available at Kaya Skin Clinics throughout the UAE. For details, see

Updated: August 17, 2011, 12:00 AM