5 nutritious snacks that young children will enjoy

Young children need energy to help them grow and develop, both physically and mentally. These needs can be met with a variety of smaller nutritious meals containing nuts, fruits, vegetables and grains.

Young children need energy to help them grow and develop, both physically and mentally. These needs can be met with a variety of smaller nutritious meals containing nuts, fruits, vegetables and grains.

30g almonds

This snack is high in protein, fibre, vitamin E and calcium, which is essential for building healthy bones and teeth. Around 20 almonds, or a small handful, make up 30 grams.

2 tbsp hummus with a cup of carrot sticks

Hummus is a good source of fibre (important for digestive function and health) and protein, which is a major nutrient for growth and development.

2 tbsp natural peanut butter and a cup of apple slices

A good source of vitamins B and C, fibre and protein. The monounsaturated fat in peanut butter is considered good for the heart, however, choose the unsalted variety.

1/2 cup unsweetened yogurt with 2tbsp muesli

This snack delivers calcium, zinc (for growth, development and wound healing) and fibre. The protein in the yogurt will also help satisfy hungry youngsters.

1 cup fruit salad

Fruit is a great source of vitamin C, fibre and antioxidants. The more colourful the salad, the better the mix of nutrients and the more attractive it will be to young children.

Updated: September 17, 2015, 12:00 AM