Paint the town: a paintball field is coming to Action Park at Last Exit next month

Action Paintball uses state-of-the-art equipment and will be able to accommodate 60 players

Those travelling between Dubai to Abu Dhabi have another great reason to make a pit stop – Action Park, a recently-opened leisure park, is all set to unveil its latest attraction at Last Exit, Mad X, Abu Dhabi bound.

Action Paintball, which will have an indoor and outdoor area and top-grade equipment, will open its doors in the last week of December. Adrenaline junkies will be able to take advantage of the cooler weather and enjoy the paintball field which can accommodate 60 players, in big or small groups.

Adding a healthy twist to the activity, guests will be fitted with a health tracker that will display heart rate and calories burnt during the game, making it a fun-filled workout.

Guests who want something a bit slower-paced, can take part in the target shooting area or enjoy refreshments on the roof of the open London-style bus that has been transformed into a cafe and overlooks the playing field.

Action Park, a concept founded by serial entrepreneur Husam Zammar, will be home to several entertainment concepts, opening in phases. The Smash Room, a concept that has guests smashing away their worries, opened doors at the end of October this year (right in time for Halloween). Some of the other attractions coming up include the UAE's first upside down house and a go-karting circuit.

Several packages will be available to guests at Action Paintball – including a full day access pass to all attractions located within Action Park. Never mind the pit stop – this may just warrant its own trip.

Updated: November 21, 2019, 9:46 AM