Comic-Con returns to New York City for hybrid event

William Shatner, George Takei, John Cena and David Harbour are scheduled to attend

Comic-Con is making a comeback in New York City, starting this Thursday, after an online gathering last year.

The four-day festival is best known as a welcoming and open space to share interest in the cultural worlds centred around comic books, anime or magna, cosplay, gaming and more.

This year's gathering includes exclusive events and celebrity panels. Star Trek's William Shatner and George Takei, and Suicide Squad's John Cena, will be featured guests for autographs and other appearances.

Gathering much excitement is a Star Trek: Prodigy event where those attending will be able to see the first episode of the new Star Trek series weeks before it makes its debut on Paramount+.

Stranger Things' David Harbour will also be attending, as will Hayden Christensen from Star Wars prequels and Jurnee Smollett from Lovecraft Country and Birds of Prey.

Panels and select events can be seen online as part of the hybrid format this year.

As the event is taking place in Javits Centre in Manhattan, New York City, those attending who are eligible to have been vaccinated in the US, meaning anyone over the age of 12, will have to show proof of full vaccination.

Anyone under the age of 12 can attend with a negative Covid-19 test result.

All are required to wear a face mask, including in cosplay costumes. The event's website says a face covering has to be visible over the costume for entry.

Organisers say there will be limited capacity at all times, the event's website says.

San Diego Comic-Con is also making its return late this November.

Updated: October 06, 2021, 11:35 PM