Bradley Manning set to attend final WikiLeaks hearing before military trial

The army private who allegedly gave more than 700,000 secret US documents to WikiLeaks is returning to Fort Meade for the last scheduled hearing before his military trial next month.

FORT MEADE, Maryland // The army private who allegedly gave more than 700,000 secret US documents to WikiLeaks is returning to Fort Meade for the last scheduled hearing before his military trial next month.

The pretrial hearing on Tuesday for Pfc. Bradley Manning concerns classified material that would be used as evidence during the trial starting on June 3.

The court met in a closed session May 8 to test alternatives to courtroom closures. The alternatives could include unclassified summaries of classified material. Or the lawyers and judge could use code words to refer to classified information.

Manning has pleaded guilty to reduced charges that could send him to prison for 20 years. Military prosecutors aim to convict him of the greater offences, including aiding the enemy, which carries a maximum life sentence.

Updated: May 22, 2013, 12:00 AM