Norwegian hunter ends elderly man’s toilet break with a bullet wound

Norwegian hunter takes aim at a moose but misses and accidentally hits a man sitting on the toilet in a nearby cabin.

OSLO // A Norwegian hunter took aim at a moose, but missed and accidentally hit a man sitting on the toilet in a nearby cabin on Thursday, police said.

The bullet whizzed past the animal, pierced the wooden wall behind it and struck the man, in his seventies, in the stomach, the force told public broadcaster NRK.

The victim was flown by helicopter to hospital but his injury was not life-threatening, said the policeman who led the investigation, Anders Stroemsaether.

The hunter was taken in for questioning in Hvaler district, about 120km southeast of the capital of Oslo, said the force. The moose escaped unscathed.

* Reuters

Updated: October 24, 2013, 12:00 AM