Influencer Nas Daily reveals he is under threat from Al Jazeera Arabic campaign

Blogger says Arabic version of channel spreads different message to its audience than its outlets in other languages

Nuseir Yassin, the Nas Daily  influencer, has accused Al Jazeera's Arabic channel of spreading false news about him and broadcasting an attack by an unidentified expert.

The Singapore-based Arab video maker issued a call to his followers for support after he was called an Israeli agent by the Qatari-controlled channel.

In the five-minute recording, Yassin said he could not believe what was happening to him.

"This is fake news targeted at us by a government," he said. "We promote tourism and love."

Yassin said Al Jazeera's Arabic channel had used commercial social media campaigns to ensure the attack was seen by two million viewers, not the usual 30,000 that might see its posts.

"If you don't speak Arabic you don't notice this stuff, but it's been happening for decades in the Middle East," he said.

"This is comical. In reality, Nas Academy is a great new start-up that we started to create more creators."

Yassin said Al Jazeera's channels broadcasting in English and other languages receive very different messages to the Arabic outlet.

He said the US government had designated the video offshoot of Al Jazeera a foreign agent last month.

"You and I don't have $200 million to fight back," he said. "We can't let them stop us."

Updated: October 21, 2020, 9:07 PM