Omar in the running to be crowned the world’s longest cat — video

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A Maine Coon cat named Omar may take the title of world’s longest domestic cat after Guinness World Records saw a picture of the feline on Instagram and contacted his owner.

Omar stretches out to 1.2 metres and weighs 14kg, according to the cat’s owner, Stephy Hirst, from Melbourne.

"We were expecting about a nine kilo cat," said Ms Hirst, who told the Maroondah Leader that Guinness World Records spoke to her about Omar.

“He got to that before he was one-year-old and that’s when we sort of realised that he’s not nearly done yet.”

The current record holder at 118.33 centimetres is Ludo, a Maine Coon cat living in the United Kingdom.

Omar eats dry cat food and kangaroo meat and has a relaxed life lounging around the house with dogs Rafiki and Penny, Ms Hirst said.

Guinness World Records has yet to confirm if Omar takes the title.

Maine Coons are one of the largest breeds of domesticated felines in the world. They derive their name from the US state, where it is the official state cat.


Updated: May 18, 2017, 12:00 AM