We need more of Canadian largess like this

The world needs more people like Violet and Allen Large, who donated their winning lottery amount - save for a two percent to provide for their family

Every nation needs its heroes. Canada has a new pair.Violet and Allen Large, an elderly couple, won a jackpot of more than $11 million, only to give away it all - save 2 per cent for a rainy day.

Financial woes are said to be one of the biggest causes of marital instability. Mr and Mrs Large have shown one way of not letting money get in the way - by giving it away. It appears that this approach didn't start with a winning lottery ticket, as their 147-year-old house in Lower Truro, Nova Scotia and their 1987 Dodge Diplomat reveal.

Violet was undergoing chemotherapy when news of the win arrived. "It's very hard" to watch the woman he married 36 years ago go through so much, Allen said. "All the money in the world can't buy your health".

The win echoes a story from the UAE last year, where an Indian construction worker, NV Saju, promised to set up a charitable trust in Kerala with the bulk of his Dh1 million prize from winning an Etisalat sweepstakes.

It's good to know that charity knows no borders. Mr and Mrs Large are doing much of the same. After ensuring their family were provided for, they began to donate to a long list of charities, local fire departments, cancer hospitals, churches, and more. "That money that we won was nothing," Allen told the Halifax Chronicle-Herald. "We have each other." The world needs more people like Violet and Allen Large - and more of their largess.

Updated: November 07, 2010, 12:00 AM