When rocket tests go wrong: SpaceX releases blooper reel of catastrophic crashes

It's Monty Python's Crashing Rockets Circus as space company releases footage to wacky tune

To the theme tune of the famous zany British comedy TV show, SpaceX has shown exactly what can go wrong when you try to land a rocket.

The two minute video posted on YouTube is a compilation of crashes and explosion as the company, created by billionaire Elon Musk, refined the technique of reusable space flight.

SpaceX is able to land its rockets on land once they have completed the first stage of their mission, and is able to resuse them multiple times - a first for space flight.

But as the video, How Not to Land an Orbital Rocket Booster, eventually demonstrates, it was a case if you fail, try and try again.


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Updated: September 17, 2017, 11:15 AM