More than 2.5m calls made to RTA in 2015

The call response time covered 80.5 per cent of incoming calls, with a targeted response time of 20 seconds per call.

DUBAI // The Roads and Transport Authority said more than 2.5 million calls were handled by its call centre last year.

The call response time covered 80.5 per cent of incoming calls, with a targeted response time of 20 seconds per call.

The centre received 51,127 calls for lost items, 70 per cent of which were recovered. The Madinati system also handled 19,473 cases.

“In 2015 we have carried out several improvement projects in the call centre (8009090) such as upgrading the systems of the centre, upgrading the IVR system, and introducing customers’ self-completed satisfaction rating polls after each call,” said Yousef Al Rida, chief executive of RTA’s corporate administrative support services sector.

“This year, the customers’ service is working on the introduction of an e-payment system through the IVR system of the call centre.”

Updated: February 24, 2016, 12:00 AM