The federal anti-smoking law

Laws are supposed to protect individuals from tobacco harm.

Federal Law on Tobacco Control No 15 / 2009 is meant to protect all individuals in the community from tobacco harm. The law includes, but is not limited to, the following provisions:

- Forbids the sale of tobacco products to those under 18, and if violated, the fine ranges between Dh500 to Dh10,000

- Forbids smoking in private cars when there is a child under age 12 present

- Forbids smoking in houses of worship, educational institutions (such as universities and schools), health and sports facilities

- Forbids the sale of sweets which resemble tobacco products.

- Forbids automatic vending equipment and devices for tobacco distribution inside the country

- Forbids tobacco advertisement, which if violated, will be fined in the range of Dh100,000 to Dh1,000,000

Updated: May 31, 2011, 12:00 AM