The 12-point improvement plan to safer driving

Take time to plan your route avoid unnecessary delays and fuel wastage by idling. Keep the circle of safety leave enough space in the front, rear and sides of your vehicle to minimise chances of collision. Keep your emotions in check you can be a better driver when calm. Remember that anger is a reaction of the 'untamed' part of your brain. OAP improve your observation, anticipation and planning (OAP) skills for safety at all times. Scan the road from far to middle to near distances for better perspective.

Make driving your only task you are four times more likely to crash if you multi-task while driving. Distractions in the car are a primary cause of accidents; avoid situations that can cause them. Watch the speedo Maintain the speed limit. The speed limit is there for a reason. Empty the interior shopping bags and laptops can be distracting and even dangerous in the event of a collision. Light up vision is at a minimum during bad weather and at night. So use your lights and indicators wisely to avoid accidents.

Regular service a well-tuned car will not just keep you safe but also save you fuel and money. Don't drive blindly know the blind spots of your vehicle and learn how to check for them using your mirrors and by looking over your shoulder. Buckle up in the event of an accident, a restrained passenger is always safer. So don't forget to wear your seat belt. SMACK do a small act of courtesy and kindness (SMACK) and feel good about doing good. Always keep a cheerful outlook. A happy person makes a better, safer and more courteous driver.

Updated: February 13, 2010, 12:00 AM