Judicial services in the UAE are just a click away

The Judicial Department website also allows nationals, expatriates and visitors to find out with the click of a button if they are part of any legal procedures.

ABU DHABI // New government electronic services allow people to file legal cases direct to the public prosecution without leaving their homes.

The Judicial Department website also allows nationals, expatriates and visitors to find out with the click of a button if they are part of any legal procedures.

This means they can check their status if they are travelling abroad, thus avoiding being detained at the airport.

In June last year, the department introduced a smart system that offers services via the website or a smart-phone application.

The public prosecution office added three such services, said Mohammed Al Shebli, director of public prosecutions, at the department’s monthly media forum on Sunday.

Under the system, if an accuser believes a crime has taken place, he can file a complaint online. He will be given a serial number that he can follow up at the prosecution office.

This applies only to crimes where there is uncertaintly over whether it is a civil or penal offence – such as betraying the employers’ trust or fraud.

“This has created a shortcut through six steps in the past,” said Mr Al Shebli.

In the near future, prosecution cases will be linked online with the police, so customers need not carry all their documents with them. Instead, they can give just a serial number.

Another feature is the “Istafsir” service, where people can enter an identification number online and find out if they are a part of any public prosecution case.

For expats, this is the number of their residency visa, for nationals it is on the last page of the passport, and for visitors it is on their visa.

After entering the number, if the person is wanted, he or she will be notified where to present themselves to make sure there are no travel complications.

This does not mean, however, that people can use the service to find out if they are wanted by the police and then use that information to avoid arrest. The service will show only requests from public prosecution and not from the police, Mr Al Shebli said.

The website – adjd.gov.ae – also allows people to make prison visit requests, inquire about lawsuit updates and power of attorney requests.


Updated: March 02, 2014, 12:00 AM