UAE Friday sermon: the value of prostration

Mosque-goers will be told that wishes are better heard and sins are erased when prostrating to God

Prostrating to God is a sign of true faith and one of the greatest acts of worship a Muslim can undertake, the sermon will tell mosque-goers on Friday.

To prostrate is to be fully submitted and devoted to Allah and in full state of subservience to Him. To perform the act, a worshipper must fall to their knees and place their hands and forehead to the ground while the heart and mind are humble in front of God.

Prophet Mohammed described the position saying, "I have been ordered to prostrate on seven bones i.e. on the forehead." The Prophet then pointed towards his nose, both hands, both knees and the toes of both feet.

Prostration is the most frequently performed position during prayer and the greatest of them, the sermon will say.

In evidence of this, the Prophet was once asked about the dearest acts to God and he replied “You should prostrate more often". It is a cause for removing sins, he said: "No worshipper performs a prostration to Allah except that by it, Allah will raise him in status one degree, and erase a sin from him for it."

Prostration is also conducive to drawing a worshipper nearer to God and is an act during which supplications are likely to be answered. By bowing to Allah, Muslims are seeking His favours.

The significance of prostrating is mentioned in many places throughout the Quran, notably in a story about Suleiman, a prophet who could speak to animals. The Quran says a bird told him: “[and] so they do not prostrate to Allah, who brings forth what is hidden within the heavens and the earth and knows what you conceal and what you declare - Allah — there is no deity except Him, Lord of the Great Throne.” (An-Naml: 25-26).

The Prophet and his companions are praised for observing prostration in prayer in the Quran: "you see them bowing and prostrating [in prayer], seeking bounty from Allah and [His] pleasure. Their mark is on their faces from the trace of prostration.” (Al-Fath: 29). Prophet Mohammed was known for prostrating for a long time when he prayed alone. It was tradition that he would recite certain verses of the Quran while doing so.

Indeed, prostration is one of the greatest acts that lead a worshipper to be admitted to Paradise to stand among Prophet Mohammed, the sermon will tell mosque-goers on Friday.

It was narrated that Rabiaa Ibn Kaab Al Aslami, one of the Prophet’s companions, once said to him, "Oh Messenger of Allah! I want your company in Paradise." The Prophet asked, "Is there anything else?" Rabiaa responded, "That is all.” Prophet Mohammed told him, "Then help me to fulfil your wish by prostrating often."

Updated: April 26, 2018, 8:15 AM