Dubai Police launches mobile app to help report suspicious behaviour

The police introduced the platform on their Twitter account on Thursday

Residents can now report any suspicious activity around the emirate through the Dubai Police mobile app.

The new feature, called ‘Police Eye’, has been launched to make the city safer for the public.

There are several categories that individuals can report a file on.

These include disturbance, drugs, suspicious vehicle, suspicious gathering, illegal credit sale, gambling, beggars, vandalism, prostitution, alcohol, school security, massage cards and ‘others’.

Distributing massage cards and begging in the emirate is illegal and offenders can be prosecuted.

Dubai Police introduced the platform on their Twitter account on Thursday, with a short explanatory video on how to use the feature.

“The Police Eye platform allows the public to cooperate through a smart and innovative method. #StayHome,” tweeted Dubai Police.

There are several online platforms the police has made available to residents to enhance their smart services.

Their app, in particular, can be used to report crimes.

There are various categories, including ‘save life’, ‘criminal services’, ‘traffic services’, ‘certificates and permits’ and ‘community services’

Each category has multiple services listed that can be used by tourists, residents and citizens.

A website to report cybercrimes is also available.

Updated: April 02, 2020, 1:11 PM