First happiness park launched in Dubai

A ‘happiness park’ that promotes exercise, entertainment and sustainability, has been opened in Dubai by Ohood Al Roumi, Minister of Happiness.

DUBAI // A ‘happiness park’ that promotes exercise, entertainment and sustainability, has been opened in Dubai by Ohood Al Roumi, Minister of Happiness.

Al Saada park was opened at the Dubai Ladies Club in the presence of Ms Al Roumi, Saeed Mohammed Al Tayer, MD and CEO of Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (Dewa), and Mona Al Marri, Chairperson of the Board and Managing Director of Dubai Women Establishment, reported Wam, the state news agency.

The park is equipped with a range of workout machines that transform kinetic energy into electricity.

Al Saada Park promotes the role of women and works to achieve their happiness through social, physical, entertainment and educational elements, which enables them to play active roles in achieving the happiness of the community, said Ms Al Roumi.

She urged women to benefit from the activities available at Al Saada Park, while pointing out studies confirm that exercising regularly increases happiness.

“We are pleased to be collaborating with the DWE to promote a culture of exercise, energy conservation, and sustainability. This supports Dubai’s objective to be a smart and sustainable city that is home for happy, creative, and empowered people. As Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum observed, sport should be the everyday culture of every member of society and the lifestyle we live and practice daily, because it refines a person’s soul, body and behaviour,” Mr Al Tayer said.

Updated: October 20, 2016, 12:00 AM